After more than three decades in the financial services sector, specifically the ATE & BTE Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) and Litigation Funding market, and a career progressing from underwriting clerk to underwriting director and business owner, I am now delighted to be able to offer my expert services on a consultancy basis through my company Tibbington Consulting Ltd.
Please see the Services tab for more details, or alternatively the Monthly Plan option may be a good fit.
One thing I have learned during my many business trips over the years visiting customers and clients, insurers and reinsurers, funders, solicitors, representative industry groups, and even our regulators, is that everybody is extremely busy. They never have time to get the things done they want to, because they are always doing the things they have to do first. So, if you want to free up a bit more of your own precious time, or want to finally kick off that long awaited project, then please get in touch, as I'm sure we can help.

Phil Bellamy FCII
Chartered Insurer
Founder and Consultant
Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute, and Chartered Insurer, Phil was previously Underwriting Director and Board Director of two Legal Expenses Insurance MGA's. During his 30 year career, Phil has provided his expert LEI knowledge to many industry groups, including, the Civil Justice Council, Ministry of Justice, Law Society, MASS, APIL, Westminster Policy Forum and was a member of the Jackson implementation group.
Phil was also a DB pension scheme trustee Chairman, and Non Executive Director and Vice Chairman of the CLSB.
Please get in touch to review Phil's CV and candidate profile.

Gemma Bellamy Cert CII
Office Manager
Gemma has over ten years experience in the financial services sector, working in several legal expenses insurance companies as an underwriter. Gemma also spent three years working as a mortgage underwriter with the Bank of Ireland.
Gemma holds the Certificate in Insurance award.